The Tuned In Kids approach nurtures the 5Cs in children, creating a strong foundation for building resilience in young kids. There are a lot of negative stresses and influences in children’s lives today. The TIK approach helps parents with that important job of building more resilience in young kids.
Through the process of learning ukulele with Yanai, my son Liam developed a deep capacity to connect with and name how he is feeling, and ask, “What might be useful for me to do right now?” This enables Liam to independently make a more healthy choice about what to do next.
This is a remarkable capacity to be building in young kids, and one that I certainly didn’t expect to come from learning to play the ukulele.
– Michael Hann, father of Liam who started with Uke4Kids, now TIK, as a preppie at 5. Liam is now 13, with his own uke teaching business. Yanai is still his mentor.
Michael is a Consultant Paediatric Dietitian, Paediatric Dietitian Clinic, and founder of Nature Smart Kids.