Get Connected
We learn effectively when we are able to connect new information with the knowledge we already have inside us. This is how things make sense.
Tuned In Kids also supports kids to connect to their own feelings, thoughts, and purpose – to work out who they are. This enables kids to connect authentically and empathically with their own experience, which in turn enables them to connect with other people and the world around them.

Get Physical
Movement and Music go together!
Moving while playing music supports neurological development and builds more activity into a child’s day.
The vestibular system (where our sense of balance comes from) needs resetting frequently in kids – moving stops the restlessness which can inhibit kids from engaging in the class activity.
We also use a combination of counting, stepping, clapping and jumping as a fun and effective way to embed beat and rhythm patterns.

Get Messy
Children are encouraged and supported to take risks and try new things, even when it might mean ‘messing it up’. Kids are supported to manage any feelings of failure or needing to ‘get it right’ straight away.
Valuing mistakes and having express permission to ‘colour outside the lines’ creates a highly respectful space for greater learning, self-expression, awareness, new ideas and self-compassion.

Get Curious
When a child feels safe and their curiosity is engaged, they are able to think about things differently, learn new things and tap into their innate creativity. Building a sense of safety is paramount in our classes.
We encourage students to ask lots of questions and think about things in new ways. Having permission to say “I don’t know” can be powerful.

Get Expressive
This is where the magic happens. Kids need to feel safe and respected to express themselves. We teach kids how to express themselves in the context of music.
Playing music is a simple and powerful way for kids to express their feelings. When we play with feeling music sounds so much better, and is much more engaging – both for the player and anyone listening.
Making up songs using a child’s own experience is a favourite activity, and this personalisation builds enthusiasm and engagement.

Get It Down
Saying ‘I’ve got it down’ when learning a song means firstly being able to play without any problems, and then ultimately playing without thinking.
This can induce a flow state where the music is happening without any effort.
We teach our students problem solving skills that make practising more like a game. We then support them to trust themselves enough to let go of problem solving and simply play.